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Windows XP to Windows 8: Don't Go There | CIO The top 5 reasons why Windows XP is inferior to Windows 7 and why you should switch away from Microsoft's aging OS. We previously wrote about ways that Windows 7 is better than Windows Vista. Now it's time to tackle the ways Windows 7 is be If you're not up to speed on XP, it's not too late! We've assembled a terrific collection of articles from Another article on XP from ExtremeTech? Heck no. We’ve pulled together an entire collection of articles on XP from all over Ziff Mae Watson's aging computer still works fine. She asked if she should give up XP before next spring. By Lincoln Spector, Contributing Editor, PCWorld | Solutions, Tips and Answers for PC Problems Today's Best Tech Deals Picked by PCWorld's 2016年12月30日 首先用nero 的刻录镜像文件刻录本ISO 文件(详细操作请看录像文件),然后在Bios 中设置光驱优先启动,放入光盘重启后即可安装。当出现光盘引导 2020年12月28日 下载xp 用迅雷下载Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 (x86) - CD VL (Chinese-Simplified) -80404.iso (5)右击注册表中的“ WPAEvents”→“权限”→“高级”→“所有者”→你的用户名→→“确定”
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