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The goal of this project is to create a series of open source tools capable of generating song and chart files compatible with the Rocksmith™ software. Custom songs are fully functional on all platforms (PC, Mac, Xbox 360, PS3) for Rocksmith™ and Rocksmith™ 2014 Remastered. Rocksmith es la manera más rápida de aprender a tocar la guitarra y el software de aprendizaje de guitarra más innovador y efectivo del mercado. Descubre qué versión de Rocksmith es perfecta para ti. Rocksmith is the first and only game that you can plug into any real guitar or bass with a 1/4" output jack. Nothing plastic, nothing fake, just the most authentic and complete guitar experience in music gaming. By plugging into your PC, you’ll develop PS4游戏交流【摇滚史密斯2014|BLUS31182]Rocksmith 2014 PS3 iMARS]】下载,本帖最后由 lanlan30 于 2013-10-23 01:14 编辑 英文名称:Rocksmith 2014 Edition游戏原名:ロックスミス2014游戏语言:英文开发厂商:Ubisoft发行厂商:Ubisoft Rocksmith is the ultimate way to learn guitar using your PS3, Xbox 360 or PC. Find out how it works in this "how to" video.http://www.rocksmith.com Find great deals on eBay for ps3 rocksmith cable and rocksmith real tone cable. Shop with confidence. 75 product ratings - PS3 Rocksmith 2014 Edition Playstation 3 Complete Complete With Manual W/O Cable. C $32.52. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. or Best Offer. From United States. Rocksmith PlayStation 3 PS3. Pre-Owned. 4.5 out of 5 stars. 114 product ratings - Rocksmith PlayStation 3 PS3.
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The goal of this project is to create a series of open source tools capable of generating song and chart files compatible with the Rocksmith™ software. Custom songs are fully functional on all platforms (PC, Mac, Xbox 360, PS3) for Rocksmith™ and Rocksmith™ 2014 Remastered. Rocksmith es la manera más rápida de aprender a tocar la guitarra y el software de aprendizaje de guitarra más innovador y efectivo del mercado. Descubre qué versión de Rocksmith es perfecta para ti. Rocksmith is the first and only game that you can plug into any real guitar or bass with a 1/4" output jack. Nothing plastic, nothing fake, just the most authentic and complete guitar experience in music gaming. By plugging into your PC, you’ll develop
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